Ashoke is an Indian name meaning "classic," "youthful," "wholesome," and "strong". Ashoke exudes these characteristics at the time he comes to the United States. He is determined and willing to face the challenges ahead. He is "classic" because he is still strong in keeping Bengali traditions even though he has lived in America for many years. Ashima is an Indian name meaning "limitless and boundless". This is also a demonstration of the American dream the Bengali family held for a long time. However, in reality Ashima had a hard time adapting to the American way. She did not have a job in America for a long time. In chapter 7, she got her first job as a librarian: "It is Ashima's first job in America, the first since before she was married" (162). Nikhil means wholesome and entire in Sanskrit. His name clearly represents Gogol's strife to find his identity as he is American and Bengali at the same time. ...